Stuff I Want To Manifest : A Bigger, um, Eggplant In My Life …just sayin …or maybe just a better one…oooorrrr maybe just an eggplant. Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let s DO THIS! Surround yourself with signs that keep you on…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A Botanical Wanderland In My Own Yard Every spirit builds itself a house; and beyond its house a world; and beyond its world, a heaven. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let s…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A Free Mustache Ride… we threw the 5 cents in there JUST in case they re charging. Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let s DO THIS!Surround yourself with signs that keep you on track!Each 3 x 3 package…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A Housekeeper Please don t feed the dust bunnies! Housekeeping has never killed anyone, but why take any chances, darling? comes with a little charm Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let s DO THIS! Surround yourself with signs…
Stuff I Want to Manifest : A Magic Love Spell …just take a little sip, darling Comes with a little power object Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let s DO THIS! Surround yourself with signs that keep you on track! Each 3…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A New Nest What is the perfect nest for you? A new house, apartment, place to crash, a new living arrangement, santuary, a place to rest your head… picture it! Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A New Pair of Shoes That Will Change My Life Cinderella…need I say more? Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let s DO THIS! Surround yourself with signs that keep you on track! Each 3 x 3…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A New Set of Girls Nice melons, cans, jugs, sweater puppies, maracas, babe! Shake m like your mama made m. Big, small, sloped, lifted…all boobies are good boobies. Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let s DO…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A Romantic Getaway What s YOUR idea of a romantic getaway… exotic locations, a cute bungalow, in a tent, seaside resort, traveling the world… picture it! Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let s DO THIS! Surround…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A Small Human That Might Sorta Look Like Me …okay, a small human, whether it looks like me or not, doesn t matter… let s focus on the small human part 🙂 Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A Tropical Vaycay where do you want to go, where do you want to land, what will you do, and feel with your toes in the sand… Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let s DO THIS!…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A Visit From The Orgasm Fairy hello?…it s been awhile…I hate to bother you, but I was wondering if you might stop by soon? 🙂 Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let s DO THIS! Surround yourself…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A W.A.P. Cardi B., Featuring Megan Thee Stallion, won an AMA and People s Choice award for this anthem we all needed. If you haven t heard of this pop culture term it stands for Wet Ass Pussy. Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : A Whole Day Free of Mansplaining Your mansplaination is fascinating…tell me more. – said, no woman ever. Definition: Mansplaining (v.)The explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman about something she has knowledge about, in a manner regarded as condescending, patronizing, or overconfident. Make this the year…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : An End To Body Shaming You and your body is beautiful exactly. as. it. is. with that number on the scale, that size tag in your clothes, at this age, with this level of availability, this color of hair, skin and eyes…and as you grow and change, so will…
Stuff I Want To Manifest : An Epic Love Story Chapter In My Life That Lasts A Lifetime If you re ready to live out the Notebook for real, raise your hand! Or insert YOUR version of the best love story on the planet [HERE]. Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything…